
The blog has moved to: http://kotobaandsign.blogspot.jp to be under the name Kotoba & Sign.
Feel free to look through this "old" blog as well as hop over to the "new" one!

In this blog you will find information and stories of our experience with signing. Please feel free to ask questions and leave comments! このブログでは、私たちのサインを使った経験からの情報や体験談を紹介します。お気軽に質問やコメントを残してくださればと思います。どうぞよろしくお願いします。

Why Sign? どうして手話(サイン)なの?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Our Signing Time Top 3

My 2 yr. old has long mastered the Baby Signing Time DVDs. Since he comes to class with me every week now we rarely watch them at home. Instead, we've moved on to Series 1 of the Signing Time DVDs.

Here youtube clips from are our top 3 favorites:

3. Signing Time! Volume 11 : My Neighborhood
If you ask my son why he likes this one you'll get a one word answer - firefighter. As the title says these are the signs you'll use when talking about the world around you. Giving names to jobs and buildings is a great way to increase vocabulary!

2. Signing Time! Volume 8: The Great Outdoors
We watched this first when my son was about 18 months old. Soon after that we took a trip to my hometown and these signs handy! He used "explore" at my Grandma's house to tell us he was taking off to get the lay of the land.

1. Signing Time! Volume 9: The Zoo Train
A must-see before your next trip to a zoo or aquarium! Again, we got this when my son was about 18 months old but I wish we would have bought it sooner. He learned the animal names very quickly. He continues to use many of the animal signs as so many of their names are difficult to pronounce in either Japanese or English.
One warning though - the Zoo Train song will get stuck in your head!

No comments:

If you have any questions I can be reached at heidi@signingtimeacademy.com

Please e-mail me if you live in Japan but are not in a location where classes are offered. I can help you get started with Baby Signing Time and/or Signing Time.

日本に住んでいて、近くに手話のクラスがない場合などは、メールをくだされば、質問に答えたり、皆さんが Baby Signing Time や Signing Time を始めるのをお手伝いできると思います。



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