Do you know how to sign the "magic word"?
Sign "Please"!
The blog has moved to: to be under the name Kotoba & Sign.
Feel free to look through this "old" blog as well as hop over to the "new" one!
Why Sign? どうして手話(サイン)なの?
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Master Signing Time Instructor
In July I completed the training to become a Master Signing Time Instructor. I'm the first in Japan and one of the first Master level instructors teaching outside of the US!
Signing Time Academy サイニング・タイム・アカデミー
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Hopkins Fan
Have you seen these in the Signing Time Academy store?
Now you can get your very own Hopkins shirt and plush toy!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Learning Colors
One of the signing activities we've been doing recently is learning about colors. We're using the Signing Time Classroom Edition (CE) as a guide. While made for use in a variety of classrooms it is easy to adapt many of the activities to a home school situation.
The CE comes with lesson plans based on 16 popular topics from the Signing Time series. The included DVDs and CDs are arranged for use in each lesson. There are also black and white flashcards with key vocabulary.
Here is one way we've been using the flashcards...

I plan to continue using lessons from the Classroom Edition as the year goes on. Be sure to check back for aditional ideas!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Sign of the Week
C is for cookie... can you hear Cookie Monster singing that?
C is also the Sign of the Week!
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If you have any questions I can be reached at
Please e-mail me if you live in Japan but are not in a location where classes are offered. I can help you get started with Baby Signing Time and/or Signing Time.
日本に住んでいて、近くに手話のクラスがない場合などは、メールをくだされば、質問に答えたり、皆さんが Baby Signing Time や Signing Time を始めるのをお手伝いできると思います。
Please e-mail me if you live in Japan but are not in a location where classes are offered. I can help you get started with Baby Signing Time and/or Signing Time.
日本に住んでいて、近くに手話のクラスがない場合などは、メールをくだされば、質問に答えたり、皆さんが Baby Signing Time や Signing Time を始めるのをお手伝いできると思います。
MixiにSinging Time ファンのグループあります。
Join the Signing Way Facebook group!
Don't forget to stop by the 手話の道 Youtube site!