
The blog has moved to: http://kotobaandsign.blogspot.jp to be under the name Kotoba & Sign.
Feel free to look through this "old" blog as well as hop over to the "new" one!

In this blog you will find information and stories of our experience with signing. Please feel free to ask questions and leave comments! このブログでは、私たちのサインを使った経験からの情報や体験談を紹介します。お気軽に質問やコメントを残してくださればと思います。どうぞよろしくお願いします。

Why Sign? どうして手話(サイン)なの?

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Introducing... Rachel and the TreeSchoolers!

The people who created Signing Time have put together a preschool DVD - which includes a bit of sign language.  If you want to do a bit of preschool homeschool this may turn out to be a great place to start!

So, here is a first look at Rachel and the TreeSchoolers!

The theme song is good... 

There is also a video of one of a new rendition of Itsy Bitsy Spider.

Our DVD isn't here yet... but I'll let you know what the kids think of it, and the related activities, after it arrives!

11月30日トイレトレーニングセミナー Potty Time Workshop

The next Potty Time Workshop is planned for Friday November 30th, 2012 from 1-2 PM at Hana House!

11月 30日(金)13:00−14:00
講師:江本ハイディー(英語 & 日本語)
東京都杉並区で  ハナハウス レンガ教室

☎ 03-6750-8677(平日10:00~16:00)info@hanahouse.jp

ベビー・サイン・ランゲージ・クラス Baby Sign Language Class

It is not too late to join the next session of Baby Signing Time classes in Takenotsuka!

10/30  Lesson 2 “Eat & Drink”
11/6    Lesson 3 “Pets I Love”
11/13  Lesson 4 “Family”
11/20 (off week)
11/27  Lesson 5 “Clothing”
12/4   Lesson 6 “Here I Go”
12/11  Lesson 7 “My Nice Words”
12/18  Lesson 8 “Bed Time”

Teacher: Heidi Emoto 講師: 江本 ハイディー

Takenotsuka Station is: 
 - 10 minutes from Kita Senju
 - 12 minutes from Ayase
 - 20 minutes from Ueno on Hibiya Line/Tobu Skytree Line
 - 40 minutes from Roppongi on Hibiya Line/Tobu Skytree Line
 - 20 minutes from Nippori
 - 11 minutes from Koshigaya
 - 30 minutes from Kasukabe

Friday, October 12, 2012

Creepy Crawly Things

Fome some reason at Baby Signing Time class we keep getting into the discussions of "How do you sign snake, worm and catterpillar?"

There are many variations that we've come across and everyone seems to want a firm answer.  So, in an attampt to provide that let's take a look!

Snake on Signing Savvy

Worm on Signing Savvy

Caterpillar on Signing Savvy

And as you know all these things crawl!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

竹の塚 の 秋の予定 Fall Schedule for Takenotsuka

Fall 2012 Schedule 秋の予定
Baby Signing Time ☆ Sign and Play ☆ Class

ベーシッククラス 火10:30-11:30
Basic Class on Tuesdays 10:30-11:30

10/16  体験/Lesson 1 “Theme & More”
10/23 (off week)
10/30  Lesson 2 “Eat & Drink”
11/6   Lesson 3 “Pets I Love”
11/13  Lesson 4 “Family”
11/20 (off week)
11/27  Lesson 5 “Clothing”
12/4   Lesson 6 “Here I Go”
12/11  Lesson 7 “My Nice Words”
12/18  Lesson 8 “Bed Time”

Teacher: Heidi Emoto 講師: 江本 ハイディー

Registration お申し込み
体験レッスンまたはクラスの受講を希望される方は、その旨を以下のお問い合わせフォームからお知らせくださるか、heidi @ signingtimeacademy.com までご連絡ください。

To register for a Trial Lesson or the Baby Signing Time class please fill out the form below or send an e-mail to heidi @ signingtimeacademy.com

If you have any questions I can be reached at heidi@signingtimeacademy.com

Please e-mail me if you live in Japan but are not in a location where classes are offered. I can help you get started with Baby Signing Time and/or Signing Time.

日本に住んでいて、近くに手話のクラスがない場合などは、メールをくだされば、質問に答えたり、皆さんが Baby Signing Time や Signing Time を始めるのをお手伝いできると思います。



MixiにSinging Time ファンのグループあります。
Join the Signing Way Facebook group!
Don't forget to stop by the 手話の道 Youtube site!