
The blog has moved to: http://kotobaandsign.blogspot.jp to be under the name Kotoba & Sign.
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In this blog you will find information and stories of our experience with signing. Please feel free to ask questions and leave comments! このブログでは、私たちのサインを使った経験からの情報や体験談を紹介します。お気軽に質問やコメントを残してくださればと思います。どうぞよろしくお願いします。

Why Sign? どうして手話(サイン)なの?

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Blabber Hands ;-)

Who knew that a 14 month old could have so much to say?

Today, this week, the past few weeks really, little Miss Mega has turned into blabber hands. She speaks a few words too like dozo, dada, mama, iyaiyaiya. Her real talent though is in using her hands and expressions to communicate. At times thou it gets tough because she wants to talk almost constantly!

This evening as we were all sitting on the couch watching the news, Miss Mega noticed that Daddy had fallen asleep. She pointed at him, signed cry and sad, and pointed again. I said that he was sleeping. She signed "daddy" "night-night" and then shook her head "no". She then crawled over to give him a kiss and a hug to wake him up.
Today she also came to me signing "more" "hat" and pointed at the clip in my hair. I asked if she wanted a hair clip and she took off to find one, came back and gave it to me. Between signs and pointing we had a fun 20 min. of doing and redoing what little hair she has.

Here is a not complete list of signs she uses on a daily basis right now:
more, where, point (there/that), eat, drink, cracker, grape, berry, banana, milk, water, all done, potty, play, please, thank you, bath, wash hands, brush teeth, dog, bird, hat, shoes, backpack, open, rain, bye-bye, cry, sad, train, plane, Baby Signing Time, Leah, book, pray, yummy
In case you don't feel like counting that is about 35 words. There are more words which she pulls out from time to time, giving us a little surprise each day as we are never quite sure what she will say next!

Here is a short video from lunch today...

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If you have any questions I can be reached at heidi@signingtimeacademy.com

Please e-mail me if you live in Japan but are not in a location where classes are offered. I can help you get started with Baby Signing Time and/or Signing Time.

日本に住んでいて、近くに手話のクラスがない場合などは、メールをくだされば、質問に答えたり、皆さんが Baby Signing Time や Signing Time を始めるのをお手伝いできると思います。



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